Standard fees

  • Initial Appointment (90min): $150

  • Subsequent 90 min: $150

  • Subsequent 60 min: $120

I see you. (9).png

If my rate pushes working with me out of range for you financially, please see the below options or reach out. I acknowledge that current systems of oppression can make accessing care a challenge for some. I take pleasure in providing opportunities for my community to access care when they may not otherwise be able to.

The sliding scale and PWYC options are made possible by the fairness of those who pay at the standard end of the fee scale.

Sustaining sliding scale

  • Initial + subsequent 90 min sessions: $130-$150

  • Subsequent 60 min sessions: $100-$120

This option is available for any one experiencing lower income or for those in need of financial assistance.


  • I understand that even with the greatest discount, fee-for-service is still inaccessible for some, therefore I retain openings prioritized for BIPOC, LGBTQ2+, the elderly, people living with chronic illness or disability, and those tirelessly supporting and advocating for the above folks and don’t have resources to access care.

  • For those who are able, consider making a donation for the PWYC account. Your donation allows me to subsidize PWYC treatments and insure the sustainability of this option for those in need. E-transfer to

Questions? Want to book? Let’s talk!

Sponsor Someone’s Healing

  • Know someone who needs support? Want to sponsor their healing? We can make this happen. Please be in touch via phone or email.

  • Thank you for allowing accesses to healing and liberation work to those who aren’t otherwise able.


Currently, I accept cash, cheque, and e-transfer.

E-transfer to:

Rate Transparency

The cost of Traditional Chinese Medicine school, continuing education, and professional fees for Registered Acupuncturists is disproportionate to the typical salary of Registered Acupuncturists in Canada.

As a female identifying practitioner who carries student debt and high costs of living, I balance the need to be compensated for my work with a deep commitment to financial accessibility.

I strive to make services as accessible as possible while remaining sustainable, which is why I offer a sliding scale and PWYC options.