I support students and practitioners of energetic medicine to cultivate a perspective and approach to relating, healing, and treatment that is nervous system aware, body-centred, and trauma-informed.

My foundation for this work is rooted in Stephen Porges poly-vagal theory, Alaine Duncan’s Tao of Trauma skillset, grief work support, as well as my own understandings of how socio-political systems, such as capitalism, white supremacy, hetero-normativity, and colonialism can relate to and oppress the body. 

In my experience, what informs a patient’s symptoms can very well be the impact of trauma -whether it stems from early childhood experiences, ancestral roots, familial and cultural contexts, or from oppressive systems. Whether or not you are directly treating the impact of trauma, it is important to have approaches that support an embodied awareness of this as well as appropriate pacing and containment to your treatments.


Student rates and sliding scale options available.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or curiosities.